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Graduate case studies

Graduate case studies
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Clare - 
Alumni Relations Manager

Even though many of our graduates will have progressed in their careers since completing a case study, they are still of interest to students who wish to gain an understanding of the world of work.

About the job

Main responsibilities

Managing the Alumni communications, events and activities. Maintaining the Alumni database. Administering the Annual Fund for the University. Administering the Development Office's finances.

Typical day

I am a one person office so I am responsible for the basic running of the Alumni Association; answering emails and phone calls, dealing with requests for transcripts etc. alongside the engagement driven activities such as reunions, Alumni Art Exhibitions, short story competitions, the communications such as the biannual magazine and email bulletins and the Fundraising Telephone Campaign. Some days can be spent entirely on one aspect of these, others can be spent dipping in and out of a variety of tasks.

What do I enjoy about my job?

The variety. I feel that no day is the same due to the real mix of activities I am involved with. I also enjoy the autonomy I am given. I am able to decide what events and activities we run as an office

Challenging aspects

Some jobs take longer than expected

Why did this area of work appeal to me?

I wanted to work within a university and the role really appealed to be because of the variation, the personal aspect of the job and the chance to be creative.

Career information

Brief history since leaving University


Where do I see myself in the future?


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Last updated: 04 Apr 2013