
Worklife balance living in harmony

For some, ‘work is life’ and finding something that is all-encompassing, that captures their time and engages their energy, is a priority that inspires and motivates them.


For others, paid employment is a means to an end and the priority is something or somewhere else. Their main occupation may not be paid employment; a job simply provides the funding that enables them to pursue other passions or priorities.


It can be important to think about your definition of what work means to you.


To explore this further, read these case studies from our graduates and consider the implications of their different areas of work and lifestyles.

  • Valentine - principle technical artist
  • Lydia - global consultant relations
  • Rebecca - animal welfare adviser
  • James - vice president, sales and business development

Having a harmony between work and life can mean different things to different people. There is no right or wrong, but thinking about how you’d like to create a satisfying balance between the things and people that are important to you can improve your wellbeing, lifestyle and happiness.


Try our Pie of life interactive exercise, indicating some of the main elements that describe a full and satisfying life.


pie of life

Are you happy with the ratings you have given to different aspects of your life?  Are there areas you want to improve or change?


Where does work ‘fit’ in your life?  The priority and energy you devote to work compared to other aspects of your life may change at different stages of your life whether because of wanting to pursue other interests or because of family, health or other commitments.


There is certainly no right or wrong answer to this, and getting the balance right can be an important aspect of happiness and wellbeing, so it’s worth reviewing your priorities and life harmony at significant times throughout your life.