
Using your subject

Are there certain aspects of your course that you really enjoy and want to pursue further?


All courses at the University of Sheffield impart subject specific knowledge and in the case of more vocationally focused courses, relevant ‘technical’ competence.


In the process of delivering this subject specific knowledge, you will also have developed personal skills which are transferable to a range of career options. These personal transferable skills are covered further in the Skills section of this course but if there are particular, more subject specific aspects of your studies you want to pursue further in the future make a note of them here.


Click on the graphic to download the 'Wish list exercise' and record any aspects of your course that you would like to pursue further within your career. Try to rank them in order of preference. Finally, save it to your portfolio.

If you want to use the specific skills or knowledge that you have gained from your studies in your future career then you’ll find it helpful to refer to the Use your subject section of the Careers Service website.


The Careers Service website pages list some career ideas related to your degree subject. It also has some graduate case studies and details of the job titles and organisations Sheffield graduates from your department have pursued. This might help you to generate some new ideas of opportunities open to you.