Graduate case studies
Even though many of our graduates will have progressed in their careers since completing a case study, they are still of interest to students who wish to gain an understanding of the world of work.
To implement the Prevent agenda, to tackle extremism and radicalisation in the local area.
Awareness training for frontline workers, assemblies and lesson plans for pupils, dealing with referrals, liaising with community groups to arrange activities, monitoring the borough for threats.
Every day is different, I get to apply a wide range of skills and knowledge, I meet very interesting people.
The agenda we work on is often misunderstood and a political debating point, which means there are a lot of misconceptions to correct.
It was in tune with my studies and something I've always been interested in.
Speaking, writing, brainstorming, developing resources, creative problem solving, managing projects and grants.
Straight after graduating I worked at a think-tank for a year before moving on to work for local government.
I would like to stay with the current organisation for the medium term, and perhaps work in a central government department in the future.
You need to have a passion for the subject and motivated by a desire to bring about meaningful change.
Last updated: 23 Jun 2017