Graduate case studies
Even though many of our graduates will have progressed in their careers since completing a case study, they are still of interest to students who wish to gain an understanding of the world of work.
As audit manager I handle a portfolio of clients from a wide range of industries. Being based in Hong Kong I mostly handle sizeable multinational corporations who have incorporated their holding company in Hong Kong. We then audit the consolidated financial statements of the group including its subsidiaries from across the world.
As a manager I have to frequently deal with service proposals and tenders for new assignments. Given the nature of my portfolio, this usually requires liaising with Baker Tilly firms from around the world to build a global services proposal to the client.
I am also involved in delivering training to staff regarding Baker Tilly's audit methodology. I have also been involved in projects with Baker Tilly International to assist in the development of a global audit methodology that will be used by the international network.
As an audit manager the major duty is handling my audit assignments. As a manager it's important to be able to handle multiple assignments simultaneously. The typical duties for those assignments will include; reviewing financial statements and audit working papers; discussing with my staff on issues and resolutions; communicating with clients on technical and accounting issues; communicating with clients on audit timetables and progress; preparing fee quotations and raising invoices for work performed.
Now being based in Hong Kong I love the diversity I experience in my role and the clients I service. I'd always wanted an opportunity to work on an international level and my current role fulfills this. I am privileged to be able to work in a city that is so internationally connected and this gives a wealth of opportunities to win new work and build strong relationships.
Audit is a demanding industry and even more so in Hong Kong. Audit timetables are usually fixed and tight. The finalisation of financial statements can also be very important for clients who are listed or have significant borrowings. This often puts pressure on the auditor to complete the audit but it is not always in the auditors hand on how quickly it can be completed (e.g. the speed client provides information). Prioritisation is an essential skill for being able to manage multiple assignments in order to balance delivery and satisfaction.
After graduating in Accounting and Financial Management it was a natural career step to go into professional services. I recall having to make a decision at the time on the type of service line to go into. The main choices were audit, tax and corporate finance.
I chose audit because it seemed to give the best all round experience which I believed would help shape my all round skills and also most likely to give opportunities to practice what I will need to study for the professional ACA qualification.
Looking back I still believe this was the best choice as I really got to understand how businesses work and how accountancy applies to business by doing audit. This did help me through the challenging ACA programme.
The core qualification is my professional accountancy qualification which I obtained after my degree. Project management and prioritisation soft skills are also very important in managing multiple assignments effectively.
Communication skills are also vital so I can deliver information to clients in a prompt and concise manner. The world is getting faster and faster and clients expect responses more and more quickly. Communication is also important in coaching and supervising my team. Working in a tri-lingual firm it is important to adapt your communication methods in order to build trust, deliver clear instructions and lead effectively.
I graduated in June 2007. I then joined Baker Tilly in Bury St Edmunds near to my home town. I felt more comfortable going home after university to try and get some stability when entering the working world. However I always had aspirations to work in a bigger city later.
Between 2007 and 2010 I studied for the professional accountancy qualification, ACA. I passed the exams first time and after three years of work experience I became a Chartered Accountant.
I continued to work in Bury St Edmunds until March 2012. I then secured a secondment to Baker Tilly Hong Kong because I felt I had saturated the opportunities in Bury St Edmunds and wanted to fulfill my aspiration to work in a bigger city and internationally.
Moving to Hong Kong provided a whole different working atmosphere and perspective. The clients were significantly larger, complex and exciting. I was given new opportunities with training and audit methodologies. The opportunities and experience was very appealing and I secured a permanent position in 2013 and have continued to progress to manager level since 2014.
My ambition is now to reach director level. To assist this I have recently became a member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and obtained the CPA professional qualification. I am now currently sitting examinations to obtain a practicing certificate in order to enable me to become an audit director.
Choosing a career in accountancy has some important decisions to make when you graduate. Graduates need to consider which services line to go into (audit, tax etc.), which professional qualification to obtain (ACA, ACCA, CIMA etc.) and which type of professional services firm to apply to (Big 4, mid-tier, small local).
Everyone has to choose what feels right for them. From my experience, originally I did not want to do audit as I thought it would not be exciting. However it was the easiest route and would assist my study. Since then, I have grown to enjoy it and now at manager level there are a vast range of opportunities other than simply auditing. Moreover audit not only enhances your technical skills, it significantly enhances your soft skills. Effective communication, project management and prioritisation are very important in your day to day work.
I applied for the big 4 and mid-tier firms. I didn't get a place in the big 4 but I can't complain looking back on the opportunities I've been give with Baker Tilly. In mid tier firms you are more likely to get a all round perspective of businesses and clients. It's more hands on and you can build closer relationships. However, in the big 4 you will be exposed to massive organisations, complex assignments such as listed company audits and IPOs and these will benefit you in you next career move if you are looking to work in a massive organisation.
Nevertheless, once students obtain their professional qualification they are very marketable and there are a wealth of opportunities. So there's nothing stopping progression after those first three years.
Last updated: 24 Jun 2017