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Graduate case studies

Graduate case studies
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Edward - 
Senior Architect

Even though many of our graduates will have progressed in their careers since completing a case study, they are still of interest to students who wish to gain an understanding of the world of work.

About the job

Main responsibilities

I am a Senior Architect within the Engineering department, responsible for the design of new buildings, mostly associated with surface modes of transport. I spend part of my day giving professional advice, and part designing new buildings.

Typical day

My day involves a combination of meetings, correspondence and design work. I help mentor more junior members of staff and I help colleagues not versed in the world of Architecture with professional matters.

What do I enjoy about my job?

The wide mix and variety of different things that I do day to day. The challenges of working on a vibrant world city like London, the opportunity to do something to improve the lives of Londoners.

Challenging aspects

The job balances the different demands of people's needs and limited resources - there's so much to do, but only a limited amount of money to go around.

Why did this area of work appeal to me?

It follows directly from my degree at Sheffield, it gives me the opportunity to drive forward work to promote new projects for the city of London - my course promoted the social side of architecture and I get to explore this in my work. I studied the design of TfL for my Undergraduate dissertation - now I work there!

Skills/qualifications I use in my job?

My two degrees from Sheffield (undergraduate and post graduate) are a core requirement of my job - I wouldn't be able to to do it legally without them. The skills I gathered at Uni, presentation skills, design skills, theory, construction are all essential. My professional exams are also useful - I gained those later from the RIBA.

Career information

Brief history since leaving University

2009 - 2015 I worked in a large multi-disciplinary architectural practice, initially in Sheffield, later in London. In 2012 I did my professional exams. I moved to TfL in 2015, and have worked there since.

Where do I see myself in the future?

I see myself in my current job for the foreseeable future, I'm very happy there. I might undertake further study into conservation architecture if the opportunity presents itself.

Advice to students

My piece of advice to students

The pay and conditions do not reflect the cost and effort involved in the degree, but I would still do it again. Along the way I had many doubts, and I was fortunate that the fees were much lower when I studied than they are. All the above noted, doing something you love and that interests you day in day out is out there, just take your time getting there!

Other comments

TfL does have Graduate programme, occasionally with Architecture posts, if you're interested in transport architecture and TfL's fabulous architectural heritage keep an eye out.

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Last updated: 23 Jun 2017