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Graduate case studies

Graduate case studies
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Jessica - 
Involvement Coordinator

Even though many of our graduates will have progressed in their careers since completing a case study, they are still of interest to students who wish to gain an understanding of the world of work.

About the job

Main responsibilities

I go out in the community doing outreach, write our newsletter, have meeting with other organisations, run forums and other events, and clean the office!

Typical day

I might spend some time in the office replying to emails or sending updates to our mailing list. Then I might go and do a visit with group or service users or attend and event.

What do I enjoy about my job?

It takes time and patience but when you have helped someone in recovery.

Challenging aspects

The pay, the management.

Why did this area of work appeal to me?

It was a job.

Skills/qualifications I use in my job?

Interpersonal, creative skills, writing.

Career information

Brief history since leaving University

I went on to do a Masters and became a research assistant for a short period (amongst a couple of other jobs to pay the bills).

Where do I see myself in the future?

I would love to get back into research but it is very competitive. I would hope to do a PhD in the future or go into writing.

Advice to students

My piece of advice to students

It is rewarding, you need to be willing to really listen to people around you.

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Last updated: 23 Jun 2017