Graduate case studies
Even though many of our graduates will have progressed in their careers since completing a case study, they are still of interest to students who wish to gain an understanding of the world of work.
Teacher of Geography and in charge of Y8 Geography Curriculum, leader of Social Studies course and teacher of Emotional Intelligence, Learning Support teacher (English). Responsibilities include teaching 11-18 year olds, creating schemes of work and lesson plans, organising trips & leading trips, responsible for a tutor group and organising Year group events.
Briefing for form, then form for 20 mins which involves giving messages and currently revision techniques as I have a Y11 form. The average teaching day involves teaching 4 to 5 hour long lessons and I have 3 frees per week. Frees are used for tutor group admin and marking. Twice a term we have meetings after school on a Monday and every term there is a parents' evening.
It's rewarding when students succeed, you're not stuck behind a desk and every day is different.
Balancing work and home life. Teaching is very demanding of your time, even in holidays!
I love Geography and always wanted to do a job that helps people
Time management, organisation skills, prioritisation skills, communication skills, teamwork skills. I had to have QTS (qualified teaching status) to do my job and I had to have a Geography degree.
Training in exam marking and coursework marking. A wide variety of training on developing and honing my teaching skills.
Teacher of Geography at The Priory Academy LSST from September 2001 until present
Still in teaching but perhaps part time or with pastoral responsibility if the opportunity arises.
Work hard and don't take short cuts. Know your subject and be confident in yourself.
Last updated: 04 Apr 2017