Graduate case studies
Even though many of our graduates will have progressed in their careers since completing a case study, they are still of interest to students who wish to gain an understanding of the world of work.
Running the History Department in the Senior School.
Teaching History from 11-18 year olds.
Pastoral care.
Organising/running school trips in the UK and abroad.
I arrive at work at 8am and usually leave between 5 and 6pm. During the school day I will teach a range of age and academic abilities. I will normally have at least one free period in which I either mark, plan lessons or deal with the administrative side of running the History department.
I am currently juggling a career and a toddler. Prior to having my son, I worked full time and usually worked at least 2 more hours when I got home in the evening and at least 6 hours at the weekend. I now work 4 days a week. I tend to work later into my evenings to compensate for less time to work at the weekends now. It is a juggling act that is changing all the time. Neither the job or the toddler are static!
Working with young people.
Constantly enhancing my own academic knowledge.
Good holidays.
The long working hours during term time.
Balancing family life and work commitments.
Always feeling that there is more that you could do.
Administrative side of running a department e.g. departmental reports, exam codes etc.
Constant learning as the syllabus is always changing.
Knowing that every day will always be different.
Seeing young people mature and develop into young adults.
Prior knowledge of topics studied at University.
How to structure and write at length academically.
Ability to research and teach myself new subject material.
In school and out of school training courses.
Support from senior colleagues.
PGCE (History) University of Leeds.
PGCiE (Innovation in Education) University of Warwick.
The National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) - National College for Teaching and Learning.
Hopefully continuing in the educational profession. However, a career break may be on the horizon if we decide to expand our family further.
Stay positive, think outside the box and be prepared to work long hours.
Last updated: 24 Apr 2017