
Skills - a day in the life of a student
You have a busy day ahead and will need a number of skills to get through it.
See if you can identify the skills you will need.
8.00 - 11.00am
- You get out of bed, persuade your housemates that if you can shower first, you'll make breakfast, then you walk into University ready for your first lecture.
- During the lecture you take notes, summarising the key points and participate in the discussion at the end.
- You have a group tutorial with your lecturer where six of you discuss the progress of your latest project, and agree what else needs to be done to meet the deadline next week. You volunteer to do the proofreading before it's handed in.
11.00am - 4.00pm
- You spend some time in the lab to check on the experiment that you have running; it's not going well so you make the decision to halt it and start again.
- You analyse the formula and realise that by adjusting it, you will gain more accurate results. You know it will take you longer and require more work but it's part of your dissertation and you want to gain the best marks possible.
- The afternoon is spent in the library. You will need to re-think and re-evaluate your research and findings as your new results challenge your existing theories.
4.00 - 6.00pm
- You call your landlord to discuss the problem with the washing machine. He's convinced that you and your housemates have caused the damage but you manage to persuade him that it's been general wear and tear. You negotiate a date and time when he will come and repair it.
- You've organised a game of five-a-side football, playing against the Medics in the University Cup. As captain, you've done your homework on this team, so you choose your strongest players and subs to exploit their weaknesses. Your team win 2-1, and are through to the next round.
6.00 - 9.00pm
- After a quick tea, you head up to the Hallamshire Hospital local radio station where you volunteer as DJ for their late night slot. By organising your course work effectively, you are able to commit to two nights a week for a couple of hours.
- You take requests from patients and chat about light hearted topics of interest. Recently, following feedback, you have decided to change the format by introducing themed evenings covering different musical genres.
- Once you finish your shift, you arrive home and watch a bit of TV before bed.
Think about one of your own typical days, list the activities and the skills that you have demonstrated.