Suraj Santana
Tel: 07890 123456 | Email: s.santana@email.com | ORCID iD: orcid.org/1234.5678.91011.1213
PhD Biology, University of Sheffield
x - x
Thesis title: "Investigating potential novel probiotics and their effects on microbiome composition in the gastro-intestinal tract."
Supervisors: Professor J. Bull, Dr D. Ward and Dr I. Whittle.
Funded BBSRC PhD iCASE Studentship with industrial partner BioSensical Ltd.
MBiolSci (Hons) Microbiology and Genetics (First Class), University of Sheffield
x - x
Relevant modules: Molecular Immunology, Bacterial Pathogenicity, Genomic Science, Microbial Structures, Practical Molecular Bioscience, Microbiology, Genetics, Biochemistry.
Project title: "The interaction of macrophages with the respiratory Influenza A virus and its effect on macrophage antimicrobial molecules and cell death."
Supervisor: Professor William Huntly.
Research Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher
Sep x - present
  • Multidisciplinary knowledge exchange project in collaboration between the School of Biosciences, the Department of Chemistry and industrial partner BioPharma Ltd.
  • Developed an innovative protocol for identifying, analysing and characterising therapeutic molecules derived from probiotics using cutting edge spectrometry and microbiological techniques.
  • Collaborated closely with stakeholders, and led on discussion in key stakeholder seminars and meetings. Monitoring finances for the Biosciences portion of the budget.
Doctoral Research, University of Sheffield
Oct x - Jul x
  • Learned about BioSensical's probiotic production process and the unique microbiological processes employed.
  • Achieved a working protocol for detecting bacteria of interest for isolation for probiotic uses.
  • Communicated my progress with BioSensical colleagues with monthly reports and meetings.
  • Designed, implemented, and tested characteristics of isolated bacteria of interest for therapeutic purposes.
Research Assistant, University of Sheffield
Summer x
  • Trained to isolate E. Coli in a Cat III laboratory using microbiology techniques. Maintained safe and sterile practises, including use of safety hoods and autoclaving.
  • Isolated DNA from samples with subsequent processing using PCR, real-time qPCR and next generation sequencing.
Integrated Master's Project, University of Sheffield
x - x
  • Investigated the interaction of macrophages with the respiratory Influenza A virus, measuring the effect of these infections on macrophage antimicrobial molecules and cell death.

Summer Undergraduate Research Experience Scheme, University of Sheffield
Summer x
  • Awarded £300 after a competitive selection process to undertake a summer project that allowed me to expand on my 3rd year project.
  • Gained experience in enzymology, bacteriology, and biochemistry through the experimental processes.
Third Year Research Project, University of Sheffield
x - x
  • Investigated the contribution of glycylglycine endopeptidase enzymes to the antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
  • Received the departmental GlaxoSmithKline prize for 'outstanding performance' in this project.
Select Publications and Conferences
Santana, S., J. Bull., D. Ward. & I. Whittle. (x). Investigating the potential of newly identified probiotics. Journal of Gut Health, 8 (9), 15-16.
Santana, S., J. Bull., D. Ward. & I. Whittle. (x). Isolation and characterisation of a novel bacteria for potential use as a probiotic. Journal of Microbiology, 98 (8), 266-271.
Professional Memberships
Higher Education Academy: FHEA Fellowship awarded October x.
Member of Society of Experimental Biology.
Teaching Experience
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Sheffield
Sep x - present
  • Taught in 2 undergraduate modules at Level 1 in the School of Bioscience. Modules include Practical Molecular Biology and Introduction to Genetics.
  • Supervised an undergraduate research project focusing on identifying characteristics of a probiotic of therapeutic interest. Held regular catch up meetings with the student and organised lab training sessions.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Sheffield
Sep x - May x
  • Designed and implemented appropriate teaching methods as a seminar leader/co-leader, eg group discussions/presentation, Q&A session, poll, word cloud, Jamboard, Google Doc.
  • Provided guidance and support to the students on course materials and necessary study skills/methods/techniques.
  • Marked and provided feedback to the students' work based on published assessment criteria using VLE.
  • Arranged/participated in regular teaching meetings with senior colleagues, and colleagues and administrators involved in the course.

Postgraduate Demonstrator, University of Sheffield
Sep x - May x
  • Demonstrated new practical techniques in line with the departmental safe operating procedures.
  • Outlined the practical theory, including COSSH risks or hazards.
  • Assisted students in the lab, answered questions and ensured that students worked safely.
  • Assessed lab reports and provided timely feedback to students utilising marking crib sheets.
Public Engagement
Took part in public engagement activities which has honed my ability to share complex information in a simple and engaging manner. Talks include:
  • "Probiotics - the good, the bad, and the ugly" | Public engagement talk presented at the Festival of the Mind organised by the University of Sheffield, x.
  • "Your inner superpower to fight evil germs": included fun interactive activities designed to enhance learning of gut health among primary school aged children | Festival, Sheffield, x.
Professional Activities
Faculty of Science PGR Society Secretary and Representative, University of Sheffield
Oct x - Jan x
  • Society Secretary - produced agendas and minutes, organised calendars and actions.
  • Represented my department at a Faculty level, reporting student issues and finding solutions.
  • Actively listened to students' concerns with an empathetic and non–judgemental approach. Carefully collated concerns and escalated these where appropriate.
  • Organised and ran 'Pizza Talks', Faculty and Departmental Conferences to promote student skill development.
Peer Reviewer
x - x
  • Invited to review manuscripts for the Journal of Gut Health, International Journal of Gastrointestinal Microbiology and Journal of Microbiology.
  • Undertaken on a voluntary basis whilst concurrently and flexibly alongside my research and teaching commitments.
Professor Jane Bull
PhD Co-Supervisor
School of Biosciences
University of Sheffield
0114 212 3456
Dr Daniel Ward
PhD Co-Supervisor
School of Biosciences
University of Sheffield
0114 212 3457
Professor William Huntly
BSc Dissertation Supervisor
School of Biosciences
University of Sheffield
0114 212 3458