Personality type quiz

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How you manage your life

Read the following statements and decide which of the two options best describes how you prefer to do things.

There's no right or wrong, just follow your first instinct!

Find out what type of role or organisation will suit you best.

Get started

1. When planning your studies and revision do you tend to:

2. When thinking about your meals for the week do you:

3. When it comes to planning your social life:

4. You've arranged to meet a friend tomorrow. It's been in your diary for weeks but they've just sent you a text to say they can't make it. How do you feel?

5. Do you prefer to:


Write a study / revision plan, allocating time and scheduling tasks to do - and stick to it. You don't like working under pressure.


Prepare a study plan but it's a guide. You may not stick to it! You can feel energised by the last minute rush.


Write a menu plan, then check you have the ingredients and write your shopping list.


What menu plan? You may still nip into Sainsbury's on they way home to see what's been reduced or if there's something you fancy.


Is your diary booked up for the next few weeks?


Do you prefer to go with the flow and be spontaneous and see how you feel on the day?


Annoyed - they have let you down at such short notice.


That's OK - you can now go to the cinema and see that film you fancied watching.


Make a decision.


Keep your options open.

Your results: Mostly A's

Based on your responses, you are more likely to enjoy working in a role or organisation where:

  • Decisions are made, plans are set - and stuck to!

  • There are established protocols and guidelines providing guidance on 'what to do and how to do it'

  • Where you can organise your own work, set goals and work towards achieving them

  • You have your own desk which is tidy and well organised

  • There is a strong work ethic - work hard - work first - play later (if there is time)

  • You are product oriented and focused on achieving the end goal

  • You are responsible for being able to finish a project

  • Deadlines are taken seriously

Your results: Mostly B's

Based on your responses, you are more likely to enjoy working in an environment where:

  • There is often flexibility and last minute changes - which can be energising

  • There is a sense of fun in the work environment; and it's acceptable to 'play now' and finish the job later

  • You can be process oriented and focus on how the task is completed

  • You are responsible for starting new projects

  • You have to respond to new or changing market developments, opportunities or situations e.g new start-ups or small-medium sized enterprises

  • Deadlines are elastic!