21 century

Career planning in the 21st century

The world of work is changing. Whereas organisations at one time had clear company hierarchies with well defined lines of management and career progression structures, this is not necessarily so today. New technologies have changed, or even removed, the need for some job roles and functions. They have also enabled more flexible working practices and opportunities not envisioned just a few years ago. Technological, social, political and economic factors will continue to change the job market you are going to enter.


To cope with these changes you may need to be flexible and creative in your approach to making career choices and take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves.


The following speakers talk you through their own “career journeys” and some of the things that have influenced their choices along the way.



One of the main messages from these stories is that career journeys do not necessarily follow a “linear path” and the choice you make now does not need to be for the rest of your life.


Nevertheless, there are clearly a number of factors along the way that might help you to make better choices, for instance, being aware of your own values and interests as well as learning about career options through contacts and previous experience.


Ultimately, in an ever-changing world of work you will be more likely to achieve career success and satisfaction with a better insight into yourself and your options.